Speaking of giveaways, E.J. Wesley is offering some amazing prizes (including a Nook!) as part of his Bury the Hatchet Blogfest to celebrate the official release of his novelette Blood Fugue.

Jenny, the main character of Blood Fugue, deals with heartache by burying a hatchet in the thing she is struggling with. So in keeping with that spirit, E.J. has asked blogfest participants to share something that angers us and that we'd like to bury a hatchet in, Jenny style.
Since I write regularly about animal rescues and hear way too many horror stories about animals who have been abused and neglected, I'd like to bury my hatchet in those who abuse animals and treat them as disposable objects. It's beyond me how people can be so cruel and heartless and I think they are all deserving of the hatchet treatment.
As far as Blood Fugue and the blogfest details, here's all you need to know, straight from E.J. himself:
Author E.J. Wesley is launching his latest title, BLOOD FUGUE, and wants you to help him celebrate! Check out his blog The Open Vein for details on how to take part, and how to enter for a chance to win some sweet prizes!
What's BLOOD FUGUE about?
Armed only with an ancient family journal, her rifle, and an Apache tomahawk, Jenny must save her grandfather’s life and embrace her dangerous heritage. Or be devoured by it. Blood Fugue, by E.J. Wesley, is the first of the Moonsongs books, a series of paranormal-action novelettes.
Huge congratulations to both Cherie and E.J. on their new releases!!