Today I am taking part in the book tour for the new release from Joylene Nowell Butler, but before I get to the book I want to quickly post about this week's Celebrate the Small Things hop.
The hop is hosted by Lexa Cain and co-hosted by L.G Keltner at Writing Off the Edge and Tonja Drecker at Kidbits. Visit Lexa's blog here to find out how join in the hop yourself and to see the list of participants.
This week I'm celebrating the coming weekend, because I have two dear friends who I don't get to see nearly enough coming to town for a visit. We are going to the Bengals game and while I have no hope that the game will be worth anything, the company will make it a fun day regardless.
I hope you all have lots of good things to celebrate this week!
And now on to Joylene's release!
I am excited to share this great excerpt:
Ryan circles the parking lot of the Prince George Regional Hospital. I read over my notes, finishing with my interview with Norse. Additional comments in the margins are kept to a minimum. My penmanship is poor under the best writing conditions (a desk on solid ground). Writing legibly in a moving vehicle is a recipe for disaster. I hope to close Warner's murder, but if left unsolved, I’ll owe it to Cold Case to make notes they can decipher.
My scribble was a constant amusement to Angie, especially early in our marriage. I left scrawl notes on the kitchen table until the day she suggested I print in block capital letters so she could actually read what I'd written.
I feel myself grin; turn my head so Ryan won't notice. The kid is nosy enough without me giving him a reason. I don’t want to trivialize what's going on today. Angie is with me. Her smile. She smiled a lot during the first years of our marriage. Even now the sound of her giggle resonates through me. If Disney had ever heard her, he would have hired her on the spot to play the female version of Dale the cartoon chipmunk. She had the perfect giggle.
Ryan makes a second pass around the parking lot, heads back towards the south side near the emergency entrance. I dial Carrigan's cell. A stickler for old habits, he never answers his phone or even checks the Caller ID window until the third ring. When I once asked him why, he said, “I like to be ready.”
On the fourth ring, I spot an empty parking spot on the Lethbridge Street side, point at it for Ryan.
The phone rings again. Where in the hell is Carrigan?
“Yeah?” Carrigan's voice snaps.
“What's wrong?”
“What could be wrong? I'm stuck in an interview room with four unhappy campers checking Warner's case files. Oh, you mean because I took so long to answer. It's been one of those mornings. My phone was at my desk. Do you need me for something? Say yes.”
“You're there for a reason. I thought you understood that.”
After my first week on the job, I told him if he ever decided to change jobs, CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), would take him in a second. Nobody caught what Carrigan's eyes saw in a document search. He's proven it plenty of times.
“What do you need?” His voice holds no hint of an apology.
Ryan parks the vehicle, hangs the parking pass from the rear-view mirror.
“Norse's bank records.” I switch the phone to my right ear so I can unbuckle my seatbelt with my left hand.
“Give me a sec, I'm heading to my computer.”
As I wait for him to collect the records, I focus on the big question: Why kill Warner today?
And now that I've whet your appetite with an excerpt, here is all the scoop on Joylene's book and accompanying blog tour. Congratulations, Joylene!

You can follow Joylene's tour schedule HERE for excerpts, Q&As, chances to win copies of her book and more.
A murder enveloped in pain and mystery...
When Canada's retired Minister of National Defense, Leland Warner, is murdered in his home, the case is handed to Corporal Danny Killian, an aboriginal man tortured by his wife's unsolved murder.
The suspect, 60-year-old Sally Warner, still grieves for the loss of her two sons, dead in a suicide/murder eighteen months earlier. Confused and damaged, she sees in Corporal Killian a friend sympathetic to her grief and suffering and wants more than anything to trust him.
Danny finds himself with a difficult choice—indict his prime suspect, the dead minister's horribly abused wife or find a way to protect her and risk demotion. Or worse, transfer away from the scene of his wife’s murder and the guilt that haunts him...
Mâtowak Woman Who Cries is available in eBook at the following sites:
The print copy is available at:

Joylene lives with her husband and their two cats Marbles and Shasta on beautiful Cluculz Lake in central British Columbia. They spend their winters in Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico.