Wednesday, July 5, 2017

IWSG & The Amazing Gracie Trilogy by Carol Kilgore

Hello and Happy July! Today is the day for the monthly meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by our Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. To view list members and this month's co-hosts, visit the IWSG page here.

I don't really have much to say for this month's post, as I'm still working on the same things I wrote about last month. I'm continuing with my 5k training and I'm thrilled because I actually made it to the halfway point of the program! I'm starting Week 5 and I can't believe how much I am enjoying the running. I feel great about my progress and confident that I can make it through the whole 8 weeks now. The running has been just great for me in terms of better physical and mental health so I am excited about continuing with it. 

I'm also working on revisions for my new Alaska story. The revisions are slow going, but that's not surprising. I still feel good about the story and hope to have another draft completed by the end of the summer. 

All in all, I'm feeling good and not struggling with much insecurity this month. Yay! Since I don't really have anything to post about this month, I'm turning the blog over to my friend Carol Kilgore, who has an awesome new cover to reveal!

A hot and spicy taste of murder—and more.


During the day, law enforcement consultant Gracie Hofner is on assignment at a small San Antonio bakery, waiting for a delivery. No one knows what it is or when it will arrive. The upside? Working next to Donovan Beck, a flirty hunk and a half—perfect fling material.

At night, Gracie resumes her search for a little girl and her mother who went missing following a double murder. Finding the pair is imperative or the girl will become a target.

At the girl’s aunt’s house, Gracie experiences a peculiar need to leave immediately. She tries to deny the urge to flee and pushes the pressure aside, but the compulsion intensifies. Gracie thinks she must have a brain tumor. Or is losing her mind. When similar events continue to occur, Gracie sees a pattern. Can she use this newfound ability to help her find the girl and her mother before it’s too late?


Carol Kilgore is the author of Jalapeno Cupcake Wench, the first book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy, and three romantic suspense novels: In Name Only, Solomon’s Compass, and Secrets of Honor. She’s married, with dogs, and lives in San Antonio, the setting for the trilogy.

Where to connect with Carol:

Congratulations and best of luck to Carol!! 


  1. Hi Julie,
    Good luck with your training! That's a brilliant achievement... I get puffed out running down the street. Ugh. Not healthy. Carol's book cover and blurb look/sound awesome.

  2. You can do it! Something amazing about running that kind of distance - you really feel you've accomplished a huge goal.

  3. I'm so happy for you Julie, keep it up!!!! I saw Carol's cover recently and I absolutely love it and the book sounds amazing!!!

  4. So awesome that you're meeting your goals on the 5K. And feeling in a good space. And congrats on Carol on her new cover. I really love it!

  5. I have no doubt at all that you can complete the running program and that draft. You are doing awesome with everything! :)

  6. It's nice to have a break from writing insecurities. Enjoy it! Congratulations to Carol.

  7. Kudos to you for sticking with the 5K training program. I should get involved in something to make me move more.

    Thank you for sharing my cover! Happy July :)

  8. Hooray for feeling good about your story! That's an all-too rare occurrence in my world.

    Love the title of Carol's book. It's awesome!

    Happy editing... (and running!)

  9. Congrats on the running and editing. Now I want to eat a cupcake.

  10. I so enjoyed the gifs. They made me laugh. Keep up the great training and the new book! Congrats to Carol. I love her cover and the title. It sounds like fun.

  11. As long as you're on track, does it matter? Keep plugging away. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  12. Yay for Carol!

    I'm always a little envious of anyone who can do long runs, because my asthma has always kept me away from that pursuit. Regardless, there are other ways to go the distance--aka writing, eh?

  13. Grats to Carol, and woot to you! Good job on the running and rewrites. That's awesome! Here's to hoping for a productive month. :D

  14. I am in awe of your doing a 5K run. That's amazing. Way to go!

  15. Congrats on your running and your writing/revising! Way to go!

  16. Oh Wow! Congrats to you for running and enjoying long as you are not in any heavy costume like you pictured above. You do sound like you are on a mission and you are moving forward.

  17. Good job on the running. It's not easy to keep up the training on those days when you're tired, but I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself and not giving up.

  18. Hi, Julie,

    Congrats on the running! So glad it is working out for you. Keep up the good work. I know you will fly through the 5K run!

    Great cover and title, Carol~

  19. Hi Julie - congratulations with the running - well done ... and so glad it's working for you ... it'll be a habit that you can't drop soon - excellent news. Carol's book sounds like an excellent first part of a series ... cheers Hilary

  20. Fantastic work with the running and writing! :) And congrats to Carol!

  21. Lol, I love watching those little Japanese mascots run:)

  22. Hey Julie,

    That's awesome in regards to your running. And yes, physical activity, a healthy diet, all conducive to your overall well being.

    All the best with your revisions.

    Cheers for Carol.

    Thank you, Julie.


  23. Good luck with revisions! And that's awesome about the running!

    Congrats to Carol! What a fun cover!

  24. Good job on the running! And it's great you're not struggling this month - hopefully that continues forever more! :D

  25. Good for you for training for the 5K. It's good to work out regularly, especially because of the endorphins and how they can make you feel better. That's why I go to the gym so often. (Well, that, and the cute guys with big muscles.)

  26. That's awesome! Glad running has been so rewarding for you, and that you're still enjoying your latest story, too!

  27. Wow you're making amazing progress. I really have to do something to get some exercise in.

    Not helping that I've been struggling with flu basically for two months now. :-/

  28. I loved reading that you're doing well with your training. That's so awesome, Julie. Keep up the good work. I'm not a big fan of revisions myself. I love to write...revise, not so much. :) Good luck!


  29. I read "5k training" as writing 5,000 words at a time. lol.

  30. Congratulations on sticking with the running. Yay, you! Fast on your feet, but slow on the revisions, eh? My work is going slow, too, but slow and steady wins the race. :)

    Carol's new trilogy sounds awesome. I can't wait until they come out.

  31. I could use a cupcake. Just the cover makes me want to read more.

  32. I love a good mystery! I started running two miles a day this past summer. No plans for a 5k. Just getting back into my former running days shape. Good luck!

  33. Hey, running is a piece of cake for me, heh heh. Yeah, I outrun my interviewees all the time. Yiiiiikes!

  34. I want to eat that cover. Great artistry!

  35. Wow on the training. The end of summer is rapidly approaching. Best of luck. I'm going to try an have a rough draft done too--or pretty close to done.

  36. You have lots to cheer about Julie. So happy you're doing well and keeping the insecurities in check. Good job!

  37. Hope both the running and revisions are continuing at a great pace!

  38. Are you doing the Couch to 5k program? It's a really great way to get started running. Good luck with it, Julie.

    Carol, a jalapeno cupcake sounds pretty awesome, I always love my sweet with spicy stuff. Good luck on it's release!

  39. Wow, well done with the running, hope it is all still going well, Julie. And the writing too of course.

  40. Good luck with the revisions for your new Alaska story!
    Gotta love Carol's new title/cover... it's cute and cheeky! LOL

  41. Congrats on the running and good luck with the revision!

  42. Good luck with your revisions! Keep on running!

    Congrats to Carol!

  43. Yay for no insecurities. Love that you're running. I've been using the gym at work. It does help to get the body moving. Good luck with the revisions. I'm still writing. :)

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