Wednesday, January 3, 2018

First IWSG of 2018!

Hello and Happy New Year! Today is the day for the monthly meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by our Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. To view list members and this month's co-hosts, visit the IWSG page here.

I would like to be able to say I feel motivated and ready for a productive 2018 writing-wise but unfortunately that would be a lie. I spent December like I spent most of the past year - not doing anything constructive related to writing or blogging, I didn't even get the story I planned to write for the December WEP hop finished. 😞

But when I thought back on 2017 overall I realized that it was a good year in ways that had nothing to do with writing, and I was reminded of something I read on Nicki Elson's blog back in December. She wrote that she "enjoyed separating from my writer-self and seeing that I'm still a whole person without it." 

I can't say that I enjoyed not doing much writing, as I found it frustrating, but I did enjoy recognizing that, like Nicki, I'm a whole person without it too. I enjoyed finding new interests, like running, and getting back to old ones, like reading. My job changed in all good ways and I am feeling more productive and happy at work than I have in quite a while. And most importantly I spent lots of great times with loved ones, topping that off with the best Christmas I've had in years.

So while I'm insecure about my writing slump I am trying to balance that with gratitude for the fact that I have lots of other things in life to feel good about. I hope my writing mojo will return but I am trying not to stress about it. I have learned that the more I try to force it the more I wind up with nothing but a blank page.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a great end to 2017. Here's to a fantastic 2018 for all of us!


  1. Nicki's words were wise. I know I am a whole person without writing.

  2. Happy New Year, Julie! Nicki is a wise woman and that's great you've developed some cool interests--hope that continues for you in 2018. Love the image and quote!

  3. I think you had a great year, Julie. With working at a job, we need to be realistic about our writing. And with the whole profession being so challenging, it's okay and good to have other interests to keep it all in perspective. Hope you have another great year!

  4. Maybe for you, at this time, it's more about making room for your writing mojo in this new, whole, positive lifestyle instead of building your life around the writing mojo? Either way, I wish you all the best in 2018! :)

  5. All the best for the New Year - may it bring your renewed writing mojo and other things that bring you joy.

  6. I also took a break in December and found it quite exhilarating. Not to worry or fret over my upcoming project was wonderful. Although, I'm trying to push myself back to the grind of editing. We all need a break and I thoroughly enjoyed mine.

    You'll write when the time is right, Julie. Happy New Year!!!

  7. When I'm not writing (regardless of the reason why) I find it frustrating.

    Hooray for feeling happy and productive at work! I think that feeling is entirely all too rare for people.

    Glad you had a wonderful Christmas—may that carry over into 2018 for you.

  8. I'm always frustrated when I'm not writing, or not focused on the project. But 2018 is bringing big changes and positive energy, so I'm looking forward to progress and project completion. Good luck with your writing this year!

  9. Sorry to hear there were frustrations, but glad to see you managed to reflect positively on some of it. Hope this year is your best one yet.

  10. I didn't get half the writing done for 2017 that I'd planned, but I did accomplish other things, and feel great about that. We've moved to the beach, a dream come true, and while writing wasn't possible during the process, well, not all the writing I wanted to get done. I'm thrilled to have done what I did!
    Happy 2018!
    May we both achieve our writing goals this New Year!

  11. I think, for many, it was enough to survive this year. I had a hip replacement in April and somehow that got me liberated from the notion of accomplishment. I want to write because I like it. What happens next, not such a big deal.

  12. Sometimes, not writing is the thing to do.

    Happy New Year!

  13. Recognizing that you have an entire life that has nothing to do with writing is important. My friends and family remind me of that when I pull myself out of my stories and talk to real people.

  14. It is important to recognize that life has more than writing in it. My family, my friends, my work - both volunteer and paid, has me running around sometimes, feeling frustrated that I'm not writing,but then ... I wouldn't want it any other way, not really. I love life even more than writing. :)
    Happy 2018!

  15. I doubt I could do what you and Nicki did. So much of my identity is expression through words and imagination. I'm shivering at the thought. :-/

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  16. During my writing hiatus, I found it nice to separate my writing self from my self-self. Of course, my self-self finds it still craves stories as I watched way too much TV and spent way too much time daydreaming. So maybe I didn't separate them as much as I thought. LOL!

    Happy New Year!

  17. Fallow times are necessary, and it's imperative, I think, to have a vital life outside of writing, as you do. You're on track. The muse will return when it's ready.

  18. You sound well and happy. That's a very good thing. Wishing you a very happy 2018!

  19. I am still creating my writer identity since I decided to pursue it as a career. I can see how you might need to step away from that and get perspective. Wishing you much success and joy in 2018.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  20. It's definitely important to have a rounded life and you're right, trying to force anything isn't good. Hopefully the muse will show up soon!

  21. Hi Julie - so pleased you've been having an out-of-self-writing time - but also that the job is happier than it has been - that makes such a big difference.

    Sounds like you're in a laybye for the moment ... and will return when you're ready = enjoy 2018 ... and for the time being all the best - Hilary

  22. ARIGATOU(Thank you so much!!)
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a prosperous new year!
    On Japanese New Year ‘s customs;
    Adults put money in a special envelope and give it to children.
    This is called “otoshidama” and many children look forward to it very much!

  23. Life is a balance, for sure. You obviously needed some down time, so good for you. You'll write when you're ready.

    Happy New Year, Julie!

  24. I'm sorry for your frustrations but it good to recognize that you are still you.

  25. Hi Julie and yeah great words from Nicki. Without writing, which I used to think I would lose my marbles, I am still a whole person. We simply need to recognize and accept it. here's to a healthy and prosperous 2018!

  26. We all need some down time, and we need to be kinder to ourselves when we need it. (I'm learning that too!) Have a fabulous 2018!

  27. I've never been a fan of forcing yourself to write when you don't feel like it. Having time away makes the return all the more sweet. I'm looking forward to getting back to reading too!

    Happy 2018, and may it be full of words :-)

  28. Taking time away from writing allows for the refilling of that creative well...
    Happy New Year!
    Hope it's a great one, filled with thousands of new ideas and words!

  29. That malaise about writing--it's frightening. I've had it in the past though rarely. You wonder how you ever felt so passionate about stuff that wasn't real and will that ever return because it felt good! Good luck, Julie! I am sending positive vibes your way.

  30. Writing is something you do, and do well, but it's only a small part of who you are as a human being. Enjoy writing when the words are flowing, and pursue your other interests when they aren't. Makes sense to me! And it also makes you a more well-rounded interesting person.


  31. Best wishes for a great year, Julie. Nicki's words really hit home. I loved the way last year turned out, for me as a writer and my personal life, too.

  32. See, that's kind of where I'm at for the moment: a writing hiatus. We'll blame it on the adorable little one blowing bubbles in the background, but the truth is, I need enough sanity to balance the littles, home schooling, and the maintenance of my home. So for the moment, it feels good. In a year, I'll probably be ready to resume.

    Here's to an epic 2018!

  33. I love hearing that you're in a great place even if writing isn't getting done as much as you'd like. That's kinda where I am too. I'd rather be with family during the holidays than behind my keyboard any day. That's why I took so much time off during the holidays: from work and blogging! :)

    Have a beachy week!

  34. I think you were quite productive and you felt good about it so that's all great. December is a hectic month anyway so I hope you enjoyed the holidays.

  35. Sorry this past year wasn't that productive for you, writing-wise, but I'm glad to hear other facets of 2017 went so well for you! Hope 2018 is just as kind to you, and that your writing muse decides to tag along, too! ^_^


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