Wednesday, February 5, 2020

IWSG and the Polar Murders series

Hello, friends!! Today is the February meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group. The group was founded by our Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. To view list members and this month's co-hosts, or to sign up and join the group, visit the IWSG page here.

I'm excited today as I have a new book coming out later this spring! Polar Curse, the sequel to Polar Night and Polar Day, is tentatively scheduled to be released in May. I'm so happy about it as I had reached the point where I thought this book would never be completed let alone make it out in the world.

My publisher is going to re-release Polar Night and Polar Day with new covers, so I'm also thrilled about that. I can't share the covers yet but I love them and love the ideas the artist came up with. After those two are re-launched Polar Curse will be published. The three will be marketed together as the Polar Murders series.

I can't wait to be able to share the new covers and more information about the new book, but for now I am just busy doing a happy dance with Kermit. It took me so long to write this story that I can't believe it's actually coming together now.

Happy February!


  1. Finishing the trilogy - that's awesome! Can't wait to see the new covers.

  2. Congratulations! Wonderful news for you, and I love Kermit dancing.

  3. Oooh, Polar Curse is coming out in May?! I now know what I'm getting for myself during my birthday month! :D

    And so exciting how the entire series is getting new covers, too! Can't wait to see 'em!

    Many, many congrats! ^_^

  4. It's nice to be able to put new covers on past books. I love it when my fave books get a makeover! Congrats on your newest book.

  5. I'm happy dancing with you! I can't wait to see the new covers!

  6. WHOO HOO! Such exciting and great news! Looking forward to seeing the new covers. :)

  7. Congratulations, Julie for the release of your book Polar Curse. Wishing you loads of success for it.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS, JULIE!!! I know how long you've waiting for this. I can't wait and look forward to the cover reveals!! Let me host you on my blog when the time comes.

  9. Looking forward to seeing that cover when it's ready! Huge congrats to you.

  10. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it. Do you have ARC? Either way, I'll be the first in line.
    So awesome, Julie! I know how you feel!

  11. Congratulations! You're off to a fabulous start of the year. Can't wait to see the new covers. New book art is so much fun, especially when it ties the series together in a new way.

  12. Congrats! And think of me for the cover reveal and blog tour.

    I'm aspiring to be you. Sorry, but I can't help it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. Can't wait to see the new covers, Julie!

  14. New covers! Yay! I can't wait to see them. ;)

  15. Congratulations! Doing a happy dance for ya! Happy IWSG!

  16. Hi,
    Congratulations!!! I am happy for you.
    Take care and keep writing.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  17. A huge congrats! Very excited for you. Don't forget my follower news when your book releases.

  18. Woohoo!!! Happy dancing and congratulations!
    Way to go!

  19. That's so exciting about the Polar Murder series!! Congratulations!!

  20. Congratulations! That's wonderful news :)

  21. Congratulations! I'm excited and happy for you :)

  22. LOL. Julie--I definitely feel your excitement. Congratulations!!!

  23. Woohoo! Congratulations!
    More for my TBR!

  24. Woo HOO! Yay, you! I'm thrilled to hear the third "Polar" book will be coming out. I may have to re-read the first two to get back up to speed. I'm really happy for you. See? Good things really do happen to good people. Good luck with the new release!

  25. Congrats on the rerelease! That's huge! :)

  26. Congratulations, Julie! I'm excited for you!

  27. Yay!! So happy for the release of Polar Curse. I feel your excitement.

  28. Oh! A re-release with new covers! How exciting. And yeah, I've been to the point where I thought a book would never be completed. I feel your pain. It's a great feeling pushing past that point, though.

  29. Yay Julie! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! :)

  30. That's brilliant news Julie - so pleased for you ... and for all to be 'branded' together with new covers etc - makes so much sense. No wonder you're so please ... enjoy Kermit's dancing! Cheers Hilary

  31. Congratulations👏🎉 I know you worked so hard on this one. Definitely enjoy that happy dance😉

  32. It is such a good feeling when a story comes together. That's how I feel about the one I'm finishing, finally. lol Good luck. Looking forward to reading it.

  33. Congratulations on your upcoming publishing and republishing!

  34. Yay, glad to hear there's a third in the series coming out! The launch sounds exciting, but hopefully not too overwhelming. Good luck with everything!

  35. I am so excited for you, Julie! Wow, a Polar Murders Trilogy! Sounds like a great idea to relaunch the other books in the series too. It seems like only yesterday when Polar Night came out, and I remember that I couldn't put it down. Looking forward to seeing everything come together. It couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


  36. Congratulations! Awesome news, Julie! I'm so excited for you.

  37. Thank you all so much for your comments! You are all the best and I feel so lucky to be part of this group. <3

  38. Congratulations! I can't wait to see your new covers. A trilogy! Yay for you. That's so awesome. :)

    (new domain)

  39. Congratulations on completion of book 3 and the series being released together! It will be amazing. :)

  40. Julie! What great news! I am so happy for you. I know how hard it has been for you to write. I am right there with you. But completing the third book is monumental! Happy to hear you new publisher will be republishing the first two books. Wow, it was ages ago when we worked on those blurbs and covers together. Has it been that long? Time certainly is whizzing by. 2020 already. EEK! I need to take a page out of you book and finish my WIP. I have been putting off the remaining chapter of MK for far too long. But you know how life is, always getting in the way! My house in the country is finally put together enough for me to start again. Just blogging is helping me get back in the swing of things. I head back for Florida at the end of the week. I am over this cold weather. I hope to have a least one new chapter written before I go. At least I have my query ready and even created a mock cover for my platform. I fill you in on more of that later. FUN stuff coming up...until then, CONGRATS!

  41. Fantastic news! Very pleasantly surprised to hear there will be a third book, because I loved the first two. Congrats.

  42. Hi,
    Congratulations. Wishing you all the best. it pays not to give but to keep persevering,
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  43. Great news about your book! Huge congrats.

  44. That is wonderful news. I love the idea of new covers, can't wait to see them.


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