Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April IWSG

Today is the day for the April meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Alex's co-hosts for April are Megan Morgan, Chris Votey, Viola Fury, Christine Rains, Madeline Mora-Summonte, L.G. Keltner, Rachna Chhabria, and Patricia Lynne

I am keeping this post short and sweet because I know lots of people are busy with the A-Z Challenge. And because I really couldn't think of much to write about anyway!

This month seems to be all about ideas for me. I have ideas floating around my head for a new story I've been thinking about forever, a new attempt at the sequel to Polar Day that I gave up on back at the start of the year, and even a totally new writing adventure that I've never tried before. I'm actually really excited about all of these ideas, but that's the problem. They are all just ideas. 

So I guess my insecurity for this month is that I am starting to feel like I will never be able to harness these ideas and make them into an actual story. I can't seem to focus enough to do so. I'm not sure what I need to do to get my focus and drive back. Lately I have just been all over the place. 

Maybe just acknowledging that I need to stop messing around and get that focus back will be enough to get my butt in gear. I hope so. Ideas are fun but not nearly as fun as putting them down on paper and making a story grow around them. 

I hope all of you who are busily blogging from A-Z are having fun! It feels a little weird to not be doing it, as I have completed the challenge every April since I started blogging in 2011. I am hoping that by sitting this one out I will be able to get my writing focus back and make this a productive month.

Fingers crossed, anyway.

Happy April, all!


  1. Im in the same place as you Julie. It's hard to concentrate and focus sometimes. I think we need to ride it out and tr something different for a short spell, then return to this idea afresh in a few weeks. :) Fingers crossed. X

  2. When you're all over the map, it's hard to focus. Maybe just start jotting down the snippets of ideas and see what happens.

  3. You know, I felt that way and then I started into flash fiction. In a day I could have one of those magnificent ideas all penned out. Such a freeing experience.

    Crystal Collier

  4. I'm all for focus and drive, but I'm also learning it's okay to sometimes let things just be - let the ideas flutter around, start a new project then put it down, try something new only to return to something old. We are just too hard on ourselves sometimes! :)

  5. I agree with Alex. I had a similar problem just last month. I felt like I was being pulled in too many directions at once by all the different stories I wanted to write, so I set them all down on paper as little plot summaries. Really helped me figure out which ideas I wanted to focus on.

  6. This is the part of writing where I say things like, "I can't do this." Of course, then I do and there's a story and characters and somehow a book. I trust you'll harness all of those ideas and we'll be hearing about what comes of that in the future.

  7. I agree with Alex. Start writing little things and see where it takes you. I had to opt out of the Challenge too, and I'm a little sad about it, but I have less time and more writing to do! Good luck. :)

  8. Just keep playing around with those ideas in the back of your head. Sooner or later, a couple of them will come together and then you'll have your story.

  9. It can be hard to focus and figure things out when so many ideas are speaking to you. I would just go with whatever is speaking the loudest at the moment, and really trying to turn it into something. Then you can switch to a different idea if you have to.

  10. Oh, yeah, I know that problem. When there are too many ideas, it's hard to find the one to concentrate on. Maybe the solution is to start several at once and see where they go?

  11. You'll find your path, I've not doubt!

  12. I say, don't fret!!! One day all the swirling thoughts will come into focus and you'll sit down and write them down!!!

  13. Hi, Julie,

    I know you.... You'll get those ideas on paper. Once you focus on your favorite one, the words will FLOW! Spring is somewhere in the air. (Hope it hit in Ohio... we are getting more snow tomorrow ... Ugh!)

    Enjoy the possibilities for now~

  14. I'm trying to be productive this month, but I keep changing my mind about which project I'm going to run a good race with.
    Happy Writing this month!

  15. Try writing a few short stories first. The you can out them together and fill in the gaps for one larger story.

    I’m exploring different types of dreams and their meanings.
    E is for Epic Dreams
    Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Blogs

  16. To productivity! You can do it Julie!

  17. I know how you feel. I haven't really written anything in months, aside for ideas. I guess we just have to keep at it. Hopefully we will snap out of it soon. Good-luck.

  18. I know the feeling of "being all over the place" too well! But remember, you've buckled down and turned ideas into great stories before so you can surely do it again!

  19. As others have said, I think the best idea is to just start writing your ideas down and see where they go. One of them is bound to take off. Good luck with it!

  20. That's a lot of A to Z posts over the years, and it's cool you're taking a break. Hopefully one of your ideas will coalesce into a story soon, but percolating time is also good.

  21. Too many ideas can be really overwhelming. Sometimes it's good to write them down and then pick one or two and just let your mind wander about the story to go with the idea. Jot some notes. It sometimes helps. :)

  22. I hope your focus returns. I'm a bit on the same track as you. Sooo many ideas and yet they aren't making it to paper. My issue is that they're in the wrong story!


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