So we've reached the end of another A to Z Challenge! I couldn't find a picture to go along with my Z post so I'm so glad the Challenge blog makes these badges available for us.
It was hard to find anything for Z anyway, so I was thrilled when I discovered that a Civil War statue in the town of Oak Bluffs was made of zinc! I thought, bingo! :D
The statue has an interesting history, as it was commissioned by Charles Strahan, a veteran of the Confederacy who moved to Martha's Vineyard after the Civil War and became the publisher of the Martha's Vineyard Herald. In spite of the fact that he fought for the Confederacy, Strahan erected the statue as a memorial to Union soldiers. Strahan wanted the statue to serve as an icon of healing after the violence of the war.
In 2001 the statue was restored and rededicated, with descendants of Mr. Strahan attending the ceremony.
And that ends my A to Z of Martha's Vineyard! Thanks to everyone who has come by here and made this another fun April. And special thanks to all the co-hosts who do so much work to keep this event running year after year.
Well done, all!
In addition to finishing up the Challenge, I'm also happy to be sharing the cover for Elizabeth's Seckman's novel Bella's Point. Here is the scoop on what is sure to be a great book:
Did you know? Bella has survived the Civil War. Now she must survive the Reconstruction. During that time, white Republicans were called Scalawags in the south.

Isabella Troy Stanley is a divorced, slave freeing pariah surviving in the shattered post Civil War south the only way a fallen debutante knows how.
She heads to a Yankee prison and buys herself a husband.
Jack Byron is the former Troy plantation stable boy and object of young Bella's affection. He rejected her then, and he's still not sold on the idea of marrying her now.
It’s complicated.
Though to Bella, it’s simple: make Jack love her, marry her, and live happily ever after. The plan seems to least until her secret is revealed.
You can find her here - Blog // Facebook // Twitter
Elizabeth is a wife, a mom, and a writer. She has four wonderful boys, one dusty house, and three published books to her credit. Feel free to check them out and buy them HERE! Erm, the books, not the kids or the house...though all things in life are negotiable ;)
You can find her here - Blog // Facebook // Twitter
My A-Z of Martha's Vineyard theme was inspired by my book, The Ghosts of Aquinnah, which is set on the island. Click here for all the info on the book.